Wednesday, January 29, 2025

New year and new songs, new writing, hell, new everything?!?

 Happy new year! It's 2025 and I hope this one will kick ass for you! 

So, I've been meditating on this blog and wondering what direction to take it in? Definitely a place to post new creative works, be it new stories, songs, poems, art and videos, whatever works. This is the testing zone and I hope you will dig it. 

Here's a link to a trailer for a new video for "Horse Funeral Band," and a banger of a song! I'd hope you'd consider subscribing to our channel for updates!?

a preview of a new Horse Funeral Band song/video recorded live off the floor a couple years back with Robb Dhaliwal at Mastermind Studios in Kamloops where we used to have a jam space! The video features footage I found and had transferred to digital and was from 1948 i think and shows Indigenous youth being taken from their homes on the lower mainland brought to the residential school in Williams Lake. It's dark, there's something macabre about taking kids from their families in one nation, moving them a day's drive away from their people, language and culture and then making them dress up like plains Indigenous people to act out Peter Pan. It's mad. Take what you want from the video, I have tons of old footage from as far back as 1922 on the Secwepemc people, a 1961 colour one called "INDIAN DAYS" about Kamloops and the T'kemlups band folks and much more footage to show down the road. Thanks to Robb Dhaliwal for being a kick ass drummer and Peter Cameron Inglis for that awesome jam palace! 

And here is the video trailer!


 Stay tuned and I'll keep posting new creative endeavours here for you to peruse! 


Monday, December 02, 2024

 Here we are, December 2nd:

Well, it's been a couple weeks and lot and not a lot has happened. I'm mixing and mastering some older songs, demos and found recordings of various jams and live shows from the past few years. It's cold here in Kamloops, BC, I'm older and a little wiser, maybe, but definitely wearier.

Hearing some of these songs for the first time in years really takes me back to those shards of memories, smashed and scattered across the fragmented pavement of my mind. As I've gotten older, these slices of time are harder to put back together, I struggle sometimes recalling the places and faces, the gear and everything in between on some of these songs. A hazy blur of steamy hot summer Kamloops nights, frigid snowstorm walks contemplating life and death, the end of relationships, missing my kids, missing the stage and the applause of the audience. The endless ribbon across the country that I have travelled on all my life, growing up moving constantly never finding my place, then finding my voice and the guitar which lead to touring and performing through the late 80's, 90's and a break in the action until 2003 when I got my first book deal and hit the road again from that year until present. 

People think I have a bad memory and I do, but when you're living so fast and unrelentingly across the land while others remain halted in a glacial pace of life, same thing day in and out, it's inevitable that in those smeared blur of time and memories moments are lost. My kid's mum asked me incredulously about some of the things I don't remember and to her, they were moments not necessarily significant or anything, but just the fact that I couldn't recall the people and places that to her were so simple to picture while I struggled to put names to faces and places. 

When you're in the same town, same job, for years at a time, life is predictable, you know who you'll see at the coffee shop, the grocery store, school or whatever. I reminded her that I've been on the road for years and years, meeting hundreds of people, performing hundreds of shows, always on the move by plane, bus, train, boat and even hitchhiking all over Canada and the world. As I get older, it gets a little tougher, but my resolve is to see this through and leave, to continue to tour and perform even as I approach my 60's. I'll just have to be smarter about it haha, which is something I have been noting. When, where and how to tour as an independent artist is something I'm keenly aware of and taking note of experiences from last year's 50 odd shows in 5 months and 5 provinces compared to this years much slower dozen or shows in BC and Alberta.

The purpose of mixing and mastering both old and new songs is to have an online catalogue of songs that suit Horse Funeral Band, but also to help get bookings for 2025. As well to show a lengthy history of songwriting and performing. Last year, I had to figure out how to sing and play guitar, as well as be frontman, I did shows both sober and drunk, some were good, some were not, but it was what I had to go through to learn to find my voice, my singing style and performance confidence. It wasn't easy. I usually am the rhythm guitarist, comfortable hiding in my corner of the stage, now I've had to lead the stage and various ad hoc bands while touring with pickup musicians and old friends. It was worth it.

Now, onto further adventures and I hope to see you down this road that is infinitely wide and without direction


ps: here's some song art from recently released singles on our website:


Sunday, November 17, 2024

Back at it, reviving this blog and updates!

 Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted on this blog. You could definitely say I've lost my way more than once in this creative journey that started back in December 2008. I'll update you, it's been nearly 4 years since my last post and so much has changed even since then. Covid swept the world, all the momentum I had built up to that point was washed away, I used to spend 150 days a year on the road, sometimes more than that, and like many millions of people life changed within a few months as the world quickly ground to a halt. Post Covid, I've struggled to find my way creatively, work wise, burnt out, got massively depressed because 10 years on the road and then nothing, 4 years of Covid era madness, people forget who you are and a new flock rises up and people were keeping closer to home. Everything changed in my life. 

Now, I'm trying to figure out who I am still, where I want to go and what I want to do. In that time I wrote a new book of poetry/prose, formed a band and toured for the first time in years but this purely driven by sheer will to get back out there and perform. I changed my practice creatively and slowed down on art workshops because I was totally burnt out. Music is back in my life in a big way, my band is called "Horse Funeral Band," and we started on, I shit you not, 420 or April 20th in 2023. We wrote about 8 - 10 songs and went into Doug Perry's recording studio on June 19th, 2023 and recorded 6 songs, live off the floor, mixed, mastered in 5 hours. Then I hit the road and started touring June 26 until sometime at the end of November 2023, all totalled at least 50 shows in 4 or 5 provinces, ranging from dive bars, big clubs, festivals, house parties and everything in between. 

I shakily found my voice and am still developing a style, which I'd say is dark, solitary confessional acoustic songwriter. My voice is very baritone, so it's been a journey and fun, scary, exhausting, creative and everything in between. This past year, I toured a lot less, because I'm in my 50's and being on the road that much was pretty exhausting; we've mainly done festivals and gigs in Alberta and the lower mainland. The expense of touring has really gotten magnified, gas is so expensive, food is more expensive, accommodations, merch, hell, it's all a different world now. I'm working on a plan, new music, new recordings and booking shows for next year and will have a better idea of what's going on and how to do it. Without further ado, here's the bandcamp page for us:

That's all I'm going to post for tonight, I'll return tomorrow with more news, creative projects and information about the past 4 years. 

Kukstemc, thanks for tuning in all these years,

Chris Bose. 





Friday, February 21, 2020

re: the beast

Hello friends, fans, foe and lovers,

it's nearly the end of February and I have to ask myself, who the hell blogs anymore? haha. it seems so digitally archaic and old fashioned now. the modern equivalent of a pen and quill and ink. I still do blog I guess, sporadically at best and neglectfully at worst.

This year I'll try to hit it again and a lot harder than I have in the past.

I hope you've been well and good. It's hard to believe I started this blog 12 years ago! What the hell? how does that much time pass and how much can a person change and still not really change that much at all?

I've spent the past 5 or 6 years really working on my guitar sounds only to realize I'm basically back where I started way back in the 1990's when I had a digitech DSP 21 or whatever it was called, a rack mount guitar unit and pedal I used to use on the road and in the studio. To think that I've been on the road over and recording songs and albums over 25 years is hard to fathom.

To be sure, I never got rich, but here I am nearly 50 and still not growing, I mean giving up. Youth truly is wasted on the young. haha, another thing I've come to realize as I reach half a century in age. I think it's important to find mentors and people to help you along the road and if you stumble blindly along the road, people will recognize skill and talent and implored to help you along the way. Sometimes for their benefit and sometimes for yours. Experience and time will help you define the differences between the two.

In many ways I think my best work is to come in the next ten years if I don't give up, which I'm not planning on doing anyway in the first place, so I hope this year will be full of excitement and shows and forward movement not just for myself, but for you too!



Wednesday, January 15, 2020

re: happy new year!

Hello loves, friends, fans and foe,

happy new year!

it's 2020! I can't believe it!? where are the flying cars and cool and gross cities like we were promised in Blade Runner?

It's an interesting time to be sure, but I'm not sure where I fit in all the madness haha. So, that's the last of the free bits of the new book "N'shaytkin" I'm going to load up,  you can buy yourself a copy here:

Please do!

Battery Opera Books is an extension of Battery Opera, a dance/performance company that I've been working with for about 5 years or so off and on. They are wonderful, amazing people to collaborate with and I can't say enough good things about them!

This is the year I return to arts and academia!

What else can I say, I've missed it and after some time off the road I'm ready to get back into it older and wiser.

Last month in December we did 5 days of performances and I think 7 shows/readings in that time space and it was fun! We reached new audiences and made new fans but it was exhausting because I've been away from the stage for so long. I also take a long time between projects now, I don't crank things out like I used to, that pace can't be kept up. I always took years between books because each book could be promoted all across the country and anywhere really because Indigenous literature is still so new.

The art stuff was all a matter of timing, the right place, the right time and the right content. Then finding exhibitions and people to tour with for shows. Same with the films and music.

I also learned to quit trying. haha.

What I mean is quit trying to get people on the road and or quit trying to get people to see what you've seen because if they haven't done it, they don't have a frame of reference and it goes in one year and out the other. haha.

Plus, some people or a lot of people just don't want to do it, so quit bugging them and get on with it.

Life is for learning and living, so get out there and do the best you can people!

aight, peace out for now!

ps: here's a link to the mini-tour! photos!

Monday, December 16, 2019

re: 1137

Hello friends, fans, foe and lovers,

continuing with the book "nshaytkin" for you to enjoy, the digital copy.


ps: click on the image to get it into a readable size!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

re: 1136

hello friends, fans, foe and lovers,

here are more pages of my new book "nshaytkin" published by Battery Opera Books. click on the picture to get a full size version to read!!!