it is so precious. there so many ways to look at time. on wednesday at work, all you can think of is friday. on sunday, all you can think that the next morning it will be monday.
when i was recently in vancouver, people said they didn't measure anything in distance, it was measured in time. as in, 'how long it takes to get there' even though it's only a few kilmetres, that could take some time.
my son says he's five and a half. my daughter nearly 13.
i grew up in a twisted time, with a mother who didn't know how to be a mother, without a father. so, now i play catch up, racing against time to be a better father.
all the while trying to decide upon a career in nanoseconds because time is money. i have many mouths to feed, things to do, debt to confront and repay. it is nearly insurmountable, yet each morning i get up and know i must move ahead. time is passing. fleeting. laughing.
i look back on time and remember many good memories. i think about the future and know i'm running down the clock just like everyone else.
as i've said before, often, it feels like i've just woken up from a coma, and then plunked down in front of some kind of machine that blasts tons of information into me so i can catch up.