Tuesday, June 02, 2009

re: right!

awright, the apologies then.....listen, they mean a sorry fricken ass worth of shite to me.....no matter what stephen harper says in his best robotic, cold, artificial heart tells me, or the fackin' pope......none of it means crap.....because every time i see a post of something someone from my people goes through via the courts, the cops, a news posting on the internet, or the crap system, i see nothing but ignorant, racist, bigoted stupid shite saying the dumbest things dregged up from the bottom of their shallow, corrupted scum.......canada has never learned to 'deal with' it's 'indian problem' and i've come to realize, and fucking accept that no matter what taxes we pay, how much we pay for our education, how strong our people stand, we will never be fucking accepted, the propaganda runs too deep, the hatred and stupidity from the lumpen proletariat runs too fackin' thick and that's all there is to it......so now what? throw ourselves into the fire? prove them right?

fuck no, we'll have to continue to slog it out day after fucking day, smiling that shit eating grin, and do whatever it takes, to the 'ruling class' that we're worthy, and really, without us, they'd been dead and done a long fucking time ago, and deep down, these simple shites, really fucking know it.........

1 comment:

darthcricket said...

Came here from piece on Rabble.