Thursday, September 09, 2010

re: do what you do with the cards dealt ya!

for better or worse, i'm an artist, and that's how i make my i just need to make more of it! ha ha! not a grant driven artist either, i make my way doing what i do with the help of others, doing gigs, readings, art shows, commissions, video stuff, workshops and's a good life, and i'm making art like mad again......

sometimes, i look around and go, 'jeez, i've sacrificed so much to get here, and then there's a stretch of lonely nights that can haunt anyone......" but i somehow survive.......things keep getting better, life is a gift, so make the most of it.......

i'll be traveling again in a few days, i love flying, and i love traveling and meeting people, seeing new places, and collaborating on art/music/video's the whole reason i do this......i could tour forever, i love it so much.........

always heading for that next sunrise, the ocean breeze, cool and clear..... that night full of stars in the back country, that long stretch of highway where few cars go past you.......listening to the AM radio late at night as you drive, hearing the stations from all over canada and the states......pulling into a new city, getting ready for a gig, a reading, a show, a workshop, a conference......something, anything......meeting people, affecting their lives in a positive way, that's why i do this......

until next time kids,

chris bose.

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