Sunday, November 28, 2010

re: redemption.......
so, here's the 500th post on this blog......way more than i ever thought, and this blog has taken me way further than i ever expected.......

this link is to an interview i did with richard van camp sometime this past summer. it's weird to see yourself and hear your self. i look bloated. in fact, i probably am, from too many good times over the summer. once i saw this video i realized i had to slow down. the past four years had been a weird boom and bust time for me. lots of shows, gigs, festival and exhibitions all over the country, and people happy and excited to see and meet you. it's easy to get carried away on a good time. sometimes, it develops into a weird, slow search for oblivion. not on purpose mind you, it just sort of happens, one good time blurs into the next, one tour in the next next and then you realize you're exhausted and just need to sleep in your hotel with the cooking channel on, so you can hear sizzling meat in the background.

in the meantime, i've got some writing to do, some guitar to play, and as always loads of research to do on art and the like........films to watch, and whatnot........i'm gearing up to leave town, and i ain't coming back......after awhile, you need to redeem yourself and some of the ground you've lost, and that comes through introspection and time away from it all.......

until next time kids,



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