Wednesday, April 20, 2011

re: integrity?

hello friends, fans, lovers, foe and all in between......

my apologies on not posting for some time, or sporadically at best......been going through a transitional period in life, spent a couple years solid on the road, then six months in another city, and i think maybe i've finally figured out what i'm supposed to be doing.

in some ways i've lost who i was, and in some ways i've found who i am. weird eh?

ANYWAYS, i've finished a couple new films, been working on another one i started back in Regina, Saskatchewan last year when i was doing a residency at Sakewewak artists collective. It's spooky and cool.

I've been kinda busy navel gazing, trying to figure things out, and not doing much else........

but in between staring at my shoes and films, i've been talking with a dude named derek about integrity. or rather, he's been helping me find mine. it's been interesting, and there have been some good conversations come out of it. i've been on a wayward path for a while, or just kinda crazy, wandering without direction. i haven't found god or anything like that, but i have started to come full circle. i'm going back home, because there are things i need to take care of, family matters, i've been away for some time and i've missed many birthdays and holidays and such. the little people in my life need me to be there and so i feel i'm making the right decisions and just have to go with it.

in the meantime, here's a little art i've been working on the past few weeks, i wonder how it's going to turn out?

thank you, come again!


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