Friday, April 05, 2013

Re: N'lakapamux cultural survival

Hello lovers,

On another note, my band and Siska band partnered up to create these amazing Nlaka'pamux field guides about our traditional foods and cultural practices!

They are incredible and share a wealth of knowledge about our culture and food gathering practices, as well as understanding a better knowledge of how our people lived harmoniously with land.

Our language hangs perilously close to extinction, the colonial agend was successful on many levels, but books like this give me faith that it can be saved and renewed. I hope.

The paper in the field guide is waterproof, making it an actual useable field guide!
And the books are full of recipes and more for each season, as well as a handy dandy quick reference poster!!

Many thanks to chief David Walkem and chief Fred Samson for their vision and perseverance and everyone involved in these books!!

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