Sunday, February 19, 2017

re: new dream. vague and woken up from it.

Hello friends, fans, foe and lovers,

here is another sequence from "Dream Journals and Nightmares," what may end up being a book someday? 

Feb 19th, 2017
I am pulled out of a dream by my youngest daughter, it’s a bad dream, something about falling out of a red sky and fighting someone, her hand gently touches my forearm and I’m pulled out of sleep faster than anything I can remember in some time. It’s almost instantaneous and for a few seconds I don’t know where I am and bolt upright startling her. Then I realize where I am and I look at her wide eyes, “are you okay daddy?” she asks and I tell her I am. She tells me “you were breathing fast and I thought you were scared, and I wanted a hug.” My breathing is fast, like I was coming out of a sprint, and I’m not certain if from the dream or waking up so fast and freaked out, possibly both?

I sit up and my neck is sore, in the dream I was being strangled by a man in military clothes as we well out of the red sky, from a plane I presume? I check my phone and it’s 7:13 am, I woke up at 3:55 am and sat in front of the computer for an hour doing research on dreams and then forced myself back to sleep around 5 am. I ask her how long she has been awake, which is somewhat silly, because she doesn’t have a fully developed concept of time yet, “ten minutes she shrugs,” and I ask her another question, “was I snoring?” She gives me a thumbs up, “but you were breathing fast.” That last two hours were incredibly heavy sleep, darkness and a variety of dreams that seemed to interweave with one another. We have a fort built in the living room, I’m on the couch and my daughters on the foamy on the floor in the little fort we’ve built. My youngest who woke me up climbs up to the couch and gives me a long, tender hug, “I like morning hugs she tells me and then tickles me under the chin.

I had dreams before I woke up at 3:55 am but can’t remember them for the life of me. Dream journals and nightmares will be a scary, fun and interesting journey for certain. My youngest daughter taps on an ipad and her older sister snores gently beside her and I know it is time for coffee and the morning rituals that get people up and at it every morning. I stare at the ceiling for a moment and contemplate the future and how dull life seems these days compared to the chaos and mayhem of the road. I wonder how this is impacting my dreams and nightmares. Many of my dreams are recurring, picking up where things left of, vivid colours and realities, often dramatic and tense, with life or death decisions being made on the fly. So unlike real life where it’s so mundane I can hear paint peeling off the walls. What am I doing?!? Fear and doubt kill dreams, I think apathy brings the nightmares, but who knows for certain?

I feel as though I am coming out of a vast, unending fog and finally waking up. Thanks for dropping by and reading. Until next time,


Chris Bose.

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