Sunday, January 03, 2010

best old school pawn shop i know......

this is a pawn shop that would be like the one tom waits would own....full of slingerland drums, horns and accordians....and just the weirdest stuff i've ever's even got dead stuff things on walls and stuff in jars.....old paintings of nude women, tons of records, good ones, and weird old stuff you just can't find's like exploring a pirate ship, cause it's two stories and really narrow and claustrophobic......and the owner is like a landlocked pirate, always has a beer and a smoke in his hand no matter what kind of day, but he's not ugly or fat, just a cool dude.....a fucking pirate. anyways, i've seen my share of pawn shops across north america, they've always, or used to have good instruments for a cheap price......those days are actually gone because pawn shops have gone the way of the superstore, giant, bright, gaudy and expensive..........well, i gotta go, i finally get my kids today and i'm so goddamned happy i can't believe's been 9 days since i saw'em and i am so damn happy i wanna the meantime, i'm planning my 40th birthday party and it's gonna be, tom waits and a few surprises and it's gonna be in the loops.....we might even carry it on to vancouver......


chris bose said...

best pawn shop ever!

chris bose said...

in the staircase photo, i didn't even notice the jacket hanging off of the post when i walked by it TWICE!! actually every time i check these photos out, i notice something different, again, in the staircase foto, note the picture of jesus a few feet above the cool nude!?