Monday, October 08, 2012

re: selling lies disguised as truth. or trust.

if i won ten or twenty million dollars i'd take some serious time off and heal my body.

over the past 4 decades or so, i've beaten the hell out of it.

i'm starting to notice it.

in this form, this reality, i'm not going to last forever.

and i'm getting real tired of jumping through all these bullshit hoops to just do what i want to do that i would do just to cover my bills. but i'm getting older now and think of my kids more.


i work and slave to change the cultural landscape of canada and to provide for my family. while bankers get richer, businessmen get fatter and politicians lie deeper. sometimes i just want to say fuck it all.

until next time lovers,

ps: obviously, by the video, i don't take myself that seriously. but i rock. haha.

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