Friday, January 18, 2013

re: and done, this piece. haha.

hello winners, sinners, lovers and beautiful losers,

this piece is done. for now. i've kind of lost the plot on it. there's some energy around art and working on something. if you don't see it through, the magic gets lost. maybe that's why i have embraced digital art so much. for a decade, more than a decade i was a frustrated artist. i would paint in oils, watercolours, pastels, acrylic, i mean, you name it. i worked with it for years.

i mean, i've been making art since high school, and that was a long damn time ago. but then in 2008, i started messing around with photoshop. i had a mentor who had showed me how to use final cut studio, and so with those same skills, i began to messily sort out photoshop and begin rudimentary digital artworks. of course, my main inspiration has been ground breaking comic artist, novelist, and filmmaker Dave McKean. his work was transcendental. it was trippy. it was surreal. it was awesomely weird. of the hundreds of works i've done, only some, very few are barely even worthy of comparison to his works.

there are barriers i need to break through psychologically to get to that level, and i haven't yet, because of some restraints in my own psyche. anyway, enjoy this piece and i hope it gives you a preview into my creative process. thanks for coming, i promise more art and more crazy art hopefully.



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