Friday, December 23, 2011

re: holiday song and vegan black metal chef.......!!!!!!

hello friends, fans, foe and lovers, ex's too....

so, the holidays are about us, are you ready?

i am, and i got in the holiday spirit too!

anyway, i've got a show coming up next week in vancity, will post more details as i get them, i hope you are well, and i'm posting two videos for you. One is a reworked version of a film i did 2 years ago, and recently rediscovered it. it's a sad video, and i wasn't in a good space, but nonetheless, i'm happy to have found it.

in fact, it's been weird lately, and at the end of the video, there's a girl shuffling away, i recently ran into her again, and she's alive and well, and looking good. i wrote about here in my book "stone the crow" it's on page 43.


and here's vegan black metal chef showing you how to bake a vegan yule log.....because over the holidays, yyyyyyuuuuuuullllleeeee neeeeed aaaaaaaah caaaaaaaaakeeeeeee!!!!

just click on the link below for your black metal recipe!!!!

until next time lovers,


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