Monday, October 24, 2011

re: crazy cutz from another crazy coyote......

hello friends, fans, foe, lovers and the like,

check out my bro's nacoma 'combz' george's website,

he's been an awesome dude to me, lending me gear to get my films and songs done, without his help, i'd be screwed! check out his site, support his music and keep on rockin' in the bannockland!



re: new songs for the old ceremony.

Hello friends, fans, foe and lovers,

well, it's about time i decided to something like this, which is post my music online in raw, demo form and invite people and friends to have a listen and contribute, suggest stuff, etc.

so, without fanfare or trouble, here is the link to said demo page, check it out,

i just recorded two songs on galiano island, so i'll be uploading those as well, and a pretty little ditty i found on my phone and do not remember when i recorded it....

until next time lovers,


Monday, October 17, 2011

re: galiano island and G.I.F.T.S.

hello friends, fans, foe, and lovers,

been on galiano 8 days or so, and it's been fun, leaving in a few days, back to high desert country and some rest. we've got five film projects on the go, and it's been awesome and intense. the kids have been great, but i feel like a bit of a geezer! haha, and it just ain't all in your mind! it's your body, the aches and pains! running, jumping, climbing crazy locations and sets!

anyways, we were just chilling out last night to a huge bonfire and started playing with long exposure shots in total darkness with the flash going off randomly!

here's my epic photograph!

until next time,

my daughter, whom i miss very much when i'm on the road.
this is a couple years ago, and i've missed a lot being away.

until next time,


Thursday, October 13, 2011

re: Jesus Coyote at ImagineNative Film Festival....

hello friends, fans, lovers, foe and the like,

don't be jealous, or hate me, because my good friend Jesus Coyote is making a rare Toronto appearance at the ImagineNative Film Festival, and not only that, he's going to make waves at the TIFF lightbox, in cinema there or be square.....

until next time lovers,


below are some screenshots from "Jesus Coyote TeeVee" which is a play on "TeePee" i can't believe no one fucking noticed that! WTF!?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

re: galiano island and G.I.F.T.S.

hello friends, fans, foe and lovers,

i'm down at Galiano Island right now, working at the Gulf Islands Film and Television's my 3 year being here as a mentor and i love it and look forward to it every year. This place has a vibe, the island, the school, the people here, and it's not to be missed if you ever get the chance to get here, do it! What I do is mentor First Nations youth during their Aboriginal Film Intensive, which is 2 weeks every Fall, but I also believe they do a Summer course as well, you should totally check it out.

We're in the middle of scriptwriting right now, and will begin production today and for the next several days, and editing next week. It's great, the only distraction is the beauty of the island, which is immense.

Keep ya posted kiddies!


looking west from galiano over towards saltspring island.

a cool sign for a gallery in galiano....

massive shrooms...

the compound at G.I.F.T.S.

interpretive dance at G.I.F.T.S.

the legendary Van at G.I.F.T.S. which i totally got
doing a Tokyo drift around a sweet corner....kidding....

the Bunkhouse

in the meantime kids, see you real soon!

Saturday, October 08, 2011

re: real enough.....

the devil comes in many shapes.
hello friends, fans, foe, and lovers,

a friend of mine remarked that reading my blog that it seemed like hard times, but real times, and yes, i would have to agree. but it's not as bad as it seems, even during dry spells such as this, and really, i'm a working class artist, so what do i expect? haha! limo's and caviar? that'd be nice, but it ain't my reality right now! and despite being broke ass right now, i'm actually feeling pretty good. living a healthier lifestyle these days, getting exercise, quit smoking, quit drinking, don't do drugs, so life is fairly clean right now. my only weakness is deep fried peanut butter sandwiches at midnight, but shhh.....(kidding, that'd be a quick route to the grave!!)

anyways, one thing i've been thinking about, is that during these stretches between cheques, is wondering why i've got ideas galore when i'm on the road, i'll do this, and that, and the other thing, but as soon as i get back to kamloops, it's oblivion and all my dreams sort of crumble and fade away. when i'm away, i feel hope, but when i get back home, i'm faced with some reality i can't escape. or a nightmare i can't escape. i'll sort it out though, don't worry lovers.

hell, on days like that, i at least have a wealth of images and footage i've shot while traveling, that get me through these lean times, reminding me it won't last forever.

so, on that note, i'd like to say i'm heading back on the road for a couple weeks down to the Gulf Islands Film and Television School to mentor during the Aboriginal Media Intensive. It's my 3rd year in a row doing this gig, and it's got to be one of my favourites, because Galiano Island is like no other, a real beautiful place, and i get to work with Aboriginal youth from all over BC and this year, i heard from NWT!

there are lot of things going on, i'm actually finally working on a decent album of new roots metal type songs, heavy but with a groove, and there are nice acoustic flourishes, as well as cool beats and ambient noise happening......i was supposed to go Toronto after i was done at the Gulf Islands Film School, but i figured no, it just ain't the time, even though i would have been at the ImagineNative film festival, they're screening my "Jesus Coyote TeeVee," film, which would have been cool to see the crowd's reaction to that fucken film, but i don't have the cash for one, and i'll get there when the time is right. i spent a lot of time in Toronto last year, and don't mind not being there much this year. but next year i'll kick it's ass. you'll see.

in the meantime, check out the vids, and think about something positive to get you through the dark days of fall and winter,

ps: if luongo screws it up again, he should be voted off of the island, and i mean turtle island. last season's stanley cup playoffs was a travesty! goal after goal going in! what the hell?!?!

Sunday, October 02, 2011

re: wall street protests!

hello friends, fans, lovers and the like,

wow, I just gotta say it's exciting times! protests on wall street, spreading to other places in the globe! wowowowowowow!

let's keep the momentum going!

as this blog will eventually be a time capsule, i wanna post some photos i've found online of these events!

i'm going to do a series of protest art too, if i can't be in NYC for the protests, i can do my part to spread the vibe!

i'm so glad people are waking up to the absurdity our system functions under......get involved, do your part! keep the momentum going!



Saturday, October 01, 2011

re: All Hallow's Eve

Greetings friends, fans, lovers, foe and assorted nuts,

I love Autumn, it's a beautiful season, smoky, darker earlier, cool mornings, and great scary movies come out! So, in that spirit, below is a All Hallow's Eve image i have been trying to get done all week, but i've been sick, tormented and busy with other things. namely, trying to figure out how to get 16 demo's of songs off of my so called "smartphone" onto a mac, and into logic software to make some skeleton tracks. Success!! 

and i've been listening to the new Mastodon album, i love the art, a guy named J Fosik, and he creates the art piece by piece, cut out with a fancy scroll saw or something. unbelievable amount of work, and talk about dedication to your craft? wow!

anyways, i've been continuing to toil away in relative obscurity, vexed and exhausted by empty promises from people promising the world, but able to schlepp it off and shrug when things don't work out, or the money doesn't come through, because it was no sweat off their back. It just leaves me fucking scrambling to make rent, food and bills, plus taking care of my kids. Speaking of bills, i haven't paid my phone bill in about 3 months, and i gotta get new Autumn clothes for my kids, so if you've seen some art you like, contact me!! haha! no, for real, i gots bills to pay! 

and i can't pay them in hugs or marshmellows!

well, below is my new work, and some things that made me laugh my ass off this past week, it's been a struggle keeping my neck above the water financially, but i'm sure that'll change in the new year, it's just getting there that's tough work! it features Aleister Crowley, once thought to be the wickedest man alive, but he died alone, poor and with various STD's.......haha! bummer!

Below, as an artist for most of my adult life, i still am frustrated that i am a 20 year plus "emerging artist" and so the grants i can apply for are skint, it's a glass ceiling, which means, it's challenging to get ahead in this business, and don't think it's not a business boys and girls, it is a ruthless fucking business, where the white-collar vipers would use your name, your art, your status in an instant, and fuck you over, kill you and leave you for dead if they thought they could get ahead of your fetid, rotting corpse for one shining moment. yep, it's ruthless. 

Trust only a contract, once it's signed, but get in and out as fast as possible, the longer you stay, the more you pay, and trust your instincts, if it seems sketchy, or unlikely to happen, then it probably is a waste of fucking time. I'm about ready to cocoon up for the winter, and spend it creating new work, and slogging it out in construction or whatever i can, just so i can regain my independence. focus kids, focus!

Check the tight work of J Fosik in a recent issue of, you guessed it, Hi-Fructose!

In the meantime boys and girls, keep on rocking in the whatever world. and keep getting out there, and reading stuff, seeing stuff, listening to stuff, and such, it's a big beautiful world out there......
