Saturday, March 24, 2012

re: travels.

hello friends, fans, foe and lovers,

just a quick hello to you, and thanks for coming. i'm working on some big mural projects, solo, and will contemplate posting them.

or at least, detailed close ups.

i've been traveling, down to penticton, kelowna and vancity, sort of my usual route. i love it.

but my last trip to vancity was so dark and ghetto.

i got off the longest greyhound ride ever, well, not really, 5.5 hours, but still cramped up like sardines with only 1 rest stop (10 minutes!) was not fun! plus, i when i got to vancity, it was PISSING rain and of course my feet were soaked within minutes.

but, i went to my favourite, or one of my favourite comic stores, RX comics and bought a shitload of art books and stuff. that was cool, the type of stuff you cannot get in the loops without ordering it and it taking forever to get here. example, my david choe book took a month, i shit you not, to get here. drives me crazy.

so, anyway, i hoof it back down main from broadway to the skytrain station, i think it's the science world station, ANYWAY, i did that and went downtown and checked out graf paint supplies and stuff. then caught the Hastings bus. that was brutal, the Hastings bus should not have cloth covered seats. at all. why might you ask? Well, because they become the most urine and shit stained seats ever. the bus reeked of puke and piss. the guy beside had shit breath. it was brutal. then, i saw this hardcore meth-head get on the bus with the cutest native toddler ever, which concerned me. this meth-addict had ground her teeth down, so it looked like nothing was left, just gums, and she of course, was super haggard and ancient looking. looking after this super cute native toddler. it was a reality check, and made me appreciate getting home more than ever. i just saw so much weird, sketchy things.

but, i've got work to do, and so i have to keep on, keepin' on!

until next time,

ps: here's a few photos of the trip. plus a video.

i loved this graff! hahaha! STEVE!!

1 comment:

Pierre Affair Blog said...

Love the photos and vids. I met you at unya a few months ago. Love the work!
