hello friends, fans, foe and lovers,
it's Kanata day, a day that first nations, metis and inuit both loathe and maybe celebrate across canada.
we are a people that have many unresolved issues, actions and history with our government and citizens. we have a hidden history, one most people across the vast country called canada do not know even exists. i always have a challenging time with this celebration, because internally i'm wrestling and struggling with it, because both my parents went through the meat-grinder of the Residential School system and are complete messes as a result. i have no relationship with them, and it saddens me, and my kids are at an age where they are starting to ask about them. what do i tell them? the truth? no, they're too young, and i want them to have some sort of childhood. so, i soldier on, and tell them bits that i can and wait until i can figure out the rest.
in the meantime, i'm posting four or five pieces today, older and newer and i hope you contemplate them each, and try to understand what i'm saying through visual metaphor.
all the bets,
the priest they called him.