Monday, March 24, 2014

re: a flurry of activity......

hello lovers,

so, about the flurry of activity on my blog, well, i'm not a hundred percent certain as to why. maybe guilt? but at least i'm posting now. haha. 

it was beautiful out today, as so often the case in kamloops, bc, it starts off amazing and then goes for a shit by about 1 pm, so i headed out early, around 9 am, i was up at 5, but had to get the kids ready for school, so cut me some slack! haha. 

anyway, i went downtown and walked across the red bridge over the T'kemlups indian reservation and walked along the river all the way to the train bridge and back. it's kind of a ritual really. it's quiet over there and i can chill out and relax. so here's some flicks from an average walk. and true enough, by the time i walked back to town, it was shit out. haha. 


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