Tuesday, November 22, 2011

re: new canada!

Greetings friends, fans, foe and lovers,

how i miss you, i wish you were here right now, in my arms. haha, not.

okay, so the new artwork is about obviously, Les Etats Unis!


Actually, it represents the blood on canada's hands for plundering an entire country for free. the $1000 bill represent unpaid taxes to the original people who live here for thousands of years. The flag is tattered, spattered and worn, just like the people of canada. The aboriginal people are better left dead, or in museums, and the culture is on fire, coming back to life. Or something like that, you decide. 

I have a couple things coming up soon, the 2012 pictoprophecies will be launching in Penticton, BC this coming weekend, I've got an image in it, as well as an installation projection featured in the exhibition as well. It will be traveling to Kelowna in February 2012 at the Alternator Centre, and Kamloops at the Arnica Centre in summer 2012. 

Here is one of 7 images for the show:

The theme of the Picto Prophecies, is roughly, reinterpreting the past for the future, mainly the some 120 pictograph sites that are not protected at all by Heritage Canada, asses, and should be because they document the presence of the First Nations people of the Interior of BC.


I also found a hilarious link to "Gramptallica," a new collaboration between Grampa Simpson and the over-reaching metal band Metallica. Check it out here:


SOOOOOOOO hilarious!

In the meantime lovers, i miss you,


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