Monday, November 21, 2011

re: new maps of hell.....

greetings fiends, friends, fans and lovers, ex's too.......(i know you stalk me from time to time....!)

been working on new art, as well as working, i'll include a photo or two of what i've been doing when not doing art or what have ye....

well, i don't feel like talking much, other than to enjoy this new image, it's called "New Maps of Hell"
which i thought was such a peppy upbeat little title, don't you think?

oh yeah, just started re-reading and examining the "sandman dustcovers," and still can't figure out how dave mckean did what he did back in the early 1990's on those old G3 macs......wonder what he's able to do today with modern technology? kick my ass probably. bastard.



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