Thursday, November 05, 2009

in it's right place........

the first chris bose died somewhere on a battlefield in europe in 1916, sometime during the fall season.
i am the third chris bose to come down the line, and though there are no "great" wars in my lifetime, i am part of the larger struggle for equality and justice for the first nations of canada. we are the hidden history, there is still a staggeringly large divide between majority and minority canada in every way you can imagine: financially, health, education, freedom, and equality.

on seemingly random another note, i just picked up the deluxe re-release of radiohead's album "KID A" and it seems like just yesterday i was waiting anxiously for it. that was oct 3, 2000 it came out, which in some ways feels like a lifetime ago. i was living on battle street, downtown across from the WW I and II cenotaph. i distinctly recall the day it came out, i was up and out the door to buy it from "Spinner's" record store, which is long gone. anyways, i remember getting back home, it was a beautiful fall day, the leaves in the trees in the park beside my house were gold and orange, like a fire, and i had a coffee as i listened to it, and will never forget those first five notes of the keyboard in the first song, " Everything in it's right place." it's hard to believe that was nine years ago. that was an influential moment in my life, a turning point, because it made me re-evaluate my pre-conceptions of music, and tore down what i knew about radiohead. a point of reinvention, something i do constantly and consistently, usually without reflection.

the fall season is always a time of reflection for me, the seasons are changing, the leaves turning colour and the weather cools down, usually after a super intense summer here in the 'loops. that was an interesting fall, the one of 2000, my roommate was shane henley and we both were just out of the wreck's of relationships with our spouses. partying was definitely on our horizon, and somehow i survived the thoroughly wicked debauchery, e.g., that halloween i was decked out as a nun for the party we had and it was pretty crazy. i notice life goes in cycles, i have a real high period of accomplishments and success of some kind, followed by a lull while i experiment with reinvention.......

outside the sky is clear and beautiful, i've got three meetings today, a book coming out within weeks and i know this is another period of transformation......into what i don't know.......hopefully it'll be a hell of a ride.......



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