Sunday, November 29, 2009

my new album is done-ish.....and ready......

here's the cover art, albeit, temporary art for my new album, which i'm temporarily calling "Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame."

it's spoken word, but the comparisons to tom waits and leonard cohen have already slapped my face and i'm cool with could be worse lolz.......

anyway, i recorded it this past summer by myself, in the grips of fear, determination and self-loathing, and i did all the vocals in one morning, most of them in one take......

the music took a couple months.......

check it out here:

but, i'm already working on another album, it will be live, feature singing, collaborations, recorded off the floor and hopefully will be done and released or ready for release by january.......end of has to find a good home, and a tour and all that sort of stuff, and i'm busy promoting my book so, you'll happen when it happens.....either way, i'm pretty goddamned happy right now with the way things are going!!

at last.


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