Friday, December 04, 2009


the past year of my life has taken me all over the province, and i've collaborated with a lot of really amazing people, made great new friends, worked with incredibly talented first nations  youth and generally saw and did as much as i possibly could......not bad for starting the year off on the dole...ending it with a book deal, and hopefully more possibilities and opportunities......

i'm starting to feel like that replicant at the end of bladerunner, the last one deckard has to kill....and how he talks about all the things he's seen in his life time......this collection of images is only a few of the thousands i have......a great many were lost, like the time i held a street sermon in my underwear on granville street while standing in front of an x-rated theatre screaming through a megaphone......actually, running around vancity in my underwear for some reason.......anyways, life is what you make shut up and go for it.......


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