Thursday, May 24, 2012

re: images around town...

hello friends, fans. foe and lovers,

i've been biking around town and it's been great, although i'm a bit saddlesore, haha!

here's a few images to tide you over,


the graffiti wall

more of the graffiti wall

a corner of graffiti

the loops.

my little herb garden.

this is my exact first camera
i got one like this in 1978
the start of my creative journey
i still remember the very first roll of photos i took 
with it!

my little garden. 
lots of tomato plants!!!

the loops.
i actually love it here
it's a very beautiful place to live.
more opportunities need to be created for artists
and not just fcuking jocks. 
millions of dollars for jocks
tens of thousands for arts.

people's concept of what "ART"
is needs to change.
those shitty paintings you buy
at XS cargo and Winners
are not art.

buy local, pay a little more 
and invest in a local artist
watch them grow
as a human being
and as an artist
creating better art.

and feel good about it
buying that shitty art at dept. stores
you are supporting an ugly soulless
godless corporation somewhere
and your money is pulled out of town
to some corporate headquarters 
far, far away

and i want you to feel shitty about it.

graffiti cans.
i always tell kids, take with you what you bring
so you don't get a mess like this
which only adds fuel the "dangers of graffiti"
and justify the bullshit agenda of the kamloops
graffiti task force.

sweet tags and colours eh?!

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