Wednesday, May 16, 2012

re: the goddessesessesesssss

hello friends, fans, foe and lovers,

someone asked me i had given up on digital art. go to hell i replied, christ i need a break, and it ain't even a break because i've got a bunch of digital art on the go all the time. can't a guy experiment? haha!

truth is, i needed real time art, as in, "get your hands dirty," art instead of the clean world of digital stuff.

plus, i'm writing, playing music and generally working on a ton of other things. life is good and busy, and it's not even as busy as i want it to be, so there.

funny things happen when you get off the sauce, you rub your eyes, and see a lot of time has passed by in a blur. so, right now, i'm reading lots, writing lots, working on grants, projects, art, film, music and all sorts of good things.

well, all the beast to you then,


the goddesseseseseses...
new art for you.
i think this is inspired by the art of "the shining"
and scatman crother's had 2 paintings 
of these african goddesses behind him
on his wall at his house. 

i wonder. huh huh.

1st world problems
affecting the rest of the world.

bart is right.

secret places.

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